Origami Army Cap
An army cap is a headgear, which is a light hat, slightly flattened from the sides. It may be part of the stewardess uniform, but most people know it as one of the traditional elements of military uniforms.
At the same time, a paper cap is one of the most popular paper figures. Even those who are not interested in the art of origami in general, but want to please and amuse their children, love to fold it. After all, this figure can be worn on the head!
Take an A4 sheet. If using colored paper, place the colored side up. Fold in half, bending the left side to the right, then straighten.
Ready! You can make this origami on the eve of military holidays to surprise your friends. You can also make such a hat out of white paper and paint it in bright colors – you will get very unusual headgear.