Origami Double Headed Battle Axe

In the Middle Ages, not a single battle took place without a battle axe. Knights competed in battle, resolving disputes and disagreements. In war, such weapons provided the owner with an advantage. The ax cut through the formation of enemies and paved the way, trampled and crushed iron shields and armor. Weapons were constantly improved and selected for the right purposes. A two-handed ax with a heavy head and a long shaft was used in mounted combat. An ax with a light weight and small size was taken for hand-to-hand combat.

The proposed description and photographs detail all the Steps of creating a double-headed battle ax from paper. Simple folds are within the capabilities of beginner origami masters. To create it, you will need 10 sheets of paper, scissors, and a little glue. The handle of the battle ax will be dense and long. If desired, it can be increased. The battle ax blades will be reinforced with a second layer of paper for durability. From A4 office paper, you can make a weapon prototype more than a meter long.

Step 1

Twist a tube from two sheets of paper. Place the paper with the wide side towards you. Push the top sheet towards you so that a single-layer strip remains at the top for a neat connection.

Step 2

The result is an ax handle.

Step 3

Place two sheets of paper horizontally. Connect the edge to the bottom edge.

Step 4

Fold the strip extending beyond the folds along the edge of the triangle.

Step 5

Tuck the strip inside the folds.

Step 6
Step 7

Bend the triangle in half, aligning the sharp corners. This is one ax blade.

Step 8

Make the same part from two sheets of paper. Repeat steps 3-7. This is the second ax blade.

Step 9

Mark a center line on a piece of paper.

Step 10

Fold the edges of the sheet of paper twice towards the middle and in half.

Step 11
Step 12
Step 13

Bend the strip across into two equal parts and cut. These are the connection details.

Step 14

Coat the small connecting part with glue. Place the handle part in the center. Squeeze the tube at the attachment point. Glue the blade parts to the sides.

Step 15

Glue the second connecting part on top.

Step 16

Place three sheets of paper with a slight shift so that the edge of the bottom sheet protrudes. Place the ax with the handle on a quarter of the paper. Wrap the paper around the tube.

Step 17

Glue the edge. Ready!

You are now ready to plunge into the era of chivalry. You can add a double-headed ax to your toy war gear. How about practicing making simple sweeping strikes from above, below, and to the sides? You can organize a knight’s tournament with your friends and come up with a competition program.

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