Sometimes you really want to make with your own hands a greeting card to your dad or uncle. Then joyfully hand it over on the anniversary, Father’s Day, or any other holiday. For children and parents, there is an interesting option for such a gift in our collection of origami crafts. This is a stylish shirt with a tie. Such an idea is not banal and will be able to surprise a dear person. You will be pleased with the words of gratitude and admiration.

Do you want to try it? Then join us. We will give detailed instructions on how to make a card. If you like it, share the result and comments. We are always glad to see interesting and creative works. So, let’s begin.

Step 1

Take a rectangular sheet of paper measuring 21,5×27,9 cm and place it face down.

Step 2

Measure 38mm from the top edge and fold it over.

Step 3
Step 4

Measure 5cm from each side and make incisions.

Step 5

Turn the sheet over.

Step 6

For the collar, fold both sides into the center.

Step 7

Orient to the drawing.

Step 8

Make diagonal folds on one and the other side.

Step 9

The shirt is ready! It already looks great, it’s just missing a little detail – the tie.

Combine the two items and you have a great set. You can make several shirts and ties and swap them around. Isn’t that interesting?

Instructions for making an origami tie you will find on our website. Don’t forget to send your work and enjoy comments.

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