Origami Fighter Plane

There are paper airplanes that differ in flight range or turns. Some accurately convey the external features of a real flying aircraft and are called models. Designing model airplanes requires care and patience. Sometimes drawings and calculations are required, but not for the proposed copy.

Possession of basic paper folding skills and a detailed diagram with a description will allow you to construct the main parts of the fighter. A few cuts and a little glue will complete the airplane. To create this aircraft, you need to take 4 colored or white sheets of rectangular paper. The result will be a model of a military fighter with six missiles on board.

Step 1

For the aircraft body, mark a vertical midline on a horizontal sheet.

Step 2

Align the sides of the sheet of paper in the center.

Step 3

Fold a corner from the top of the shape.

Step 4

Fold the sides towards the middle.

Step 5

Align the sides of the triangular top on the middle line.

Step 6

Fold the sides towards the center again.

Step 7

Fold the shape in half, aligning the side edges. The result is an airplane body.

Step 8

To assemble the wings, mark the middle line, aligning the short sides.

Step 9

Join the sides of the top edge in the center, forming an angle.

Step 10

Fold the bottom edge in the same way.

Step 11

Bend the structure in half and glue it together.

Step 12

Bend the resulting triangle in half, matching the top and bottom corners.

Step 13

Place the resulting fighter part into the main fold of the aircraft body.

Step 14

Bend the wings along the top line of the base and straighten them to the sides.

Step 15

For the second pair of wings and keel, fold a new sheet of paper in half.

Step 16

Mark a horizontal line by folding the piece in half.

Step 17

Fold the sides of the right side of the rectangle towards the middle.

Step 18

Fold the left side of the shape towards the middle too.

Step 19

Cut the shape along a horizontal line.

Step 20

Glue the folds of the small triangles together.

Step 21

Place the pieces together and fold them in half.

Step 22
Step 23

Place the fold side of this fighter part into the fold of the body.

Step 24

Bend the wings along the top line of the base to the sides.

Step 25

Bend the top layer of the wings at a right angle, forming a keel.

Step 26

Glue the parts to the body in the following sequence: small wings, keel, large wings.

Step 27
Step 28
Step 29

Glue the base along the entire length.

Step 30

To obtain missile blanks, bend a sheet of paper in half, first horizontally, then vertically.

Step 31
Step 32

Fold in half horizontally again.

Step 33

Unfold and cut along fold lines.

Step 34

Take six of the eight rectangles.

Step 35

Roll each piece into a tube along a short line.

Step 36

Glue the tubes to the lower plane of the wings at an equal distance so that they protrude beyond the edge of the wing.

Step 37

The result is great!

Sleek hull, sharp nose, swept wings, reliable keel, and missiles. This is how the fighter turned out. It remains to add details: draw body parts, antennas, sensors, and small corners of the windshields.

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