Origami Fighter Plane
There are paper airplanes that differ in flight range or turns. Some accurately convey the external features of a real flying aircraft and are called models. Designing model airplanes requires care and patience. Sometimes drawings and calculations are required, but not for the proposed copy.
Possession of basic paper folding skills and a detailed diagram with a description will allow you to construct the main parts of the fighter. A few cuts and a little glue will complete the airplane. To create this aircraft, you need to take 4 colored or white sheets of rectangular paper. The result will be a model of a military fighter with six missiles on board.
To obtain missile blanks, bend a sheet of paper in half, first horizontally, then vertically.
Glue the tubes to the lower plane of the wings at an equal distance so that they protrude beyond the edge of the wing.
Sleek hull, sharp nose, swept wings, reliable keel, and missiles. This is how the fighter turned out. It remains to add details: draw body parts, antennas, sensors, and small corners of the windshields.