Origami Speedboat

The process of folding paper boat models is being improved all the time. The result is amazing models that are very similar to the real thing. If you follow the proposed steps, then from one sheet of paper you will get a real boat. It will have high sides and a flat bottom, a windshield to protect from mist and wind, a large deck, and a double keel.

Basic origami skills are enough to assemble the figure. Difficulty may arise when turning the folds in the opposite direction. Accuracy and attention to detail will help you get the job done, and the result will please you. It’s a pleasure to launch a brand-new boat, imagining yourself as the captain. You can put little toy people on board, come up with a sea story scenario, and send them sailing. The ease of assembly will allow you to make a whole flotilla of boats and organize a real regatta.

Step 1

Place the rectangular sheet of paper with the narrow side facing you. Mark assisting lines.

Step 2

Alternately bend the top cut to the sides.

Step 3
Step 4
Step 5

Turn it over.

Step 6

Bend the paper towards you at the point where the lines intersect.

Step 7

Open back and turn it over.

Step 8

Connect the last horizontal fold in the center to form two layers of triangles.

Step 9

Bend the bottom cut of the sheet towards the base of the triangles.

Step 10

Bend the sides of the resulting strip towards the base on both sides as well.

Step 11

Turn the workpiece over.

Step 12

Bend the figure in half, matching the side corners.

Step 13

Open back.

Step 14

Fold the sides to the marked line.

Step 15

Bend the bottom side of the triangle towards the center.

Step 16

Bend the sides of the shape symmetrically parallel to the center line, without aligning them with each other.

Step 17

Bend all the folds of the right side to the other side along the side line of the shape. Repeat the same on the left side. Fold the original shape, smoothing out the folds.

Step 18

Place the side folds vertically.

Step 19

Bend the layer of paper upward from the inside of the structure and give it an arched shape.

Step 20

The boat is ready!

To win the competition, you will have to apply the tricks of shipbuilding: choose waterproof paper or cover the bottom and hull of the boat with a special water-repellent composition, select the angle of the keels to increase the speed of movement, and weigh the bottom for directional stability.

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